The Office of Digital Communications can provide guidance on website topics such as:
- Creating accessible sites
- Technical specifications for UIC websites
- Usability testing
- Project checklists
- Information architecture
- User experience
- Content strategy
To reach the Office of Digital Communications, send an email to
The Office of Digital Communications—in collaboration with ACCC—manage the RED WordPress multisite.

In order to establish a consistent identity across all UIC websites, here are some guidelines to follow:
- Logo use and placement: All UIC websites need to use the appropriate logo from the UIC logo system prominently at the top of every website.
- Link to All websites should contain a link to UIC homepage.
- Contact information: Websites should have a “Contact Us” page that contains information such as a unit’s phone number, e-mail address, and postal address. If appropriate, a staff directory should also be included.
- Copyright: Material on official UIC websites is the property of the university and should be identified as such to protect copyright. The approved format for copyright is as follows: Copyright © 20xx (list appropriate year) The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.